I have had trouble getting enough sleep since I began high school. There are a number of factors that go into me not resting enough, but the number one issue I struggle with is Netflix. People think I am joking when I say I have a Netflix addiction, but it is actually quite serious. Every single night I have fallen asleep to Netflix for the past six years. I am not sure what it is, but I literally cannot fall asleep without turning on Netflix. I don’t even watch it during the day, it is only when I get in bed for the night. Because I never have time during the day to just sit down and chill out, I feel as though I owe myself time at night before bed. In terms of sleep hygiene, I would give myself a low score. I have no average or consistent sleep schedule, the only thing that has been constant is I have not been to bed before 12 am any single day I have been in college. There have been a few times where I’ve been in my bed, but Netflix has caused me to stay up. I normally go to bed around 2 and wake up anywhere from 10 to 12 pm. So I actually am getting a decent amount of sleep this semester, but last semester it was tough having an 8 am class. I would say the number of hours of sleep I get in college are much more than what I got in high school. In high-school I would go to bed around 1-2 am and wake up at 6:30 every morning. I definitely was in a worse mood in the mornings in high school. One thing I do struggle with heavily here in college is actually waking up and getting out of bed. There have been numerous times where I have slept right through my classes, which is certainly not good. I set my alarms on 10 minute increments starting at 7 am all the way through 10 am, and consistently sleep through all of them. I try to put my phone all the way across my room, but I live in Darnall so there isn’t anywhere too far to put it. Moving forward I am going to look for a large, industrial alarm clock rather than relying on my Iphone. Even though I don’t have class until 11 am or 2 pm each day, I feel like I waste my mornings. I could be going to the gym or getting work done rather than being in bed. Hopefully at some point I will able to break the Netflix problem, I just don’t know how and when that might happen.