Personal Growth

Being accepted into the prestigious university that Georgetown is, I considered myself a man of many strengths and talents. I still believe this to be true, but Georgetown has definitely allowed me to realize many of my flaws and I hope to grow and build upon them in the future.

The first area of growth, which I believe I struggle the most with, along with many other college students is Time Management. To be completely honest, I’m terrible at it. Being in college has worsened my time management by a sizeable amount. I thought I would immediately be capable of managing my time once I entered college, but after being a semester and a quarter in, it’s much harder than I could have ever imagined. I recognize I have a problem and a lot of room for growth, and many of these problems start with my two best friends Myles and Carly. They both suck me into this black hole of nothingness for hours on end. Whether it be before or after class, one or both will call me to “do work” or get food periodically throughout my day. When we are together absolutely no work gets done. Realizing this I know I need to separate myself and get away from my friends for a couple hours each day. I need to get into the habit of turning off my phone and other social media, sitting in Lau, and get into a flow of work. Nothing else on my mind, but the task at hand.

Self- control is another area of growth I am trying to work on. No one told me before coming to school that going out during the weekdays was a thing. I am not sure why, but Thursday nights are always the biggest nights out off campus, and it can be hard to stay in and write a paper when it seems as if everyone you know is going out that night. Not only do I not have self- control when it comes to going out on weekends, but I also feel I have been getting lazier since high school. My goals in high school were always to get into a good college, workout daily, have a certain GPA, etc…. Now that I’ve gotten into that college, I feel as though my work ethic has been on a decline. I often times skip going to the gym, not trying my hardest on my homework and papers, or just not spending enough time in the library. To grow in this area, I need to create new goals for myself and daily routines to stick with. I know I am going to have an incredibly busy this semester, so being on top of my work early would be incredibly beneficial to my grades and general well- being.

The last area of growth I hope to achieve throughout my time at Georgetown is public speaking. I get incredibly nervous speaking to large crowds, especially without a prepared speech in front of me. I hope to grow in this area by continuing to give pitches at my general body meetings for GUSIF, doing presentations in class, and just generally participating more in class discussions.
