
What am I grateful for this semester?

This semester I am grateful for a number of things, but none more so than my close friend group. During the first semester 8 of us, 5 girls and 3 guys became close, but second semester we have been nearly inseparable. I am grateful that we are always there for one another through the many ups and downs we all face throughout the semester. Although there have been many arguments, disagreements, and periods of general dislike of one another, I honestly cannot say I know a closer group of friends in existence. College life can be quite stressful, but we all know how to help each other out, how to destress, how to make each other feel a range of emotions, albeit some bad, but mainly positive ones. We motivate each other to do our best, come up with ridiculous business ideas (were all MSB students), and push each other to be our best selves. Our semester is nearing an end and I am actually very sad at how quickly this entire year has gone. Yes, I am looking forward to the summer and being able to be free of the stresses of college, but I am certainly going to miss my group of friends here for the time being. For the remaining weeks, I am looking forward to Easter break where I get to relax with my family, Georgetown Day and Foxfield horse races, and a big birthday dinner for my upcoming birthday were hopefully all of us can put aside a couple of differences we are having in the group and reminisce on our past year of school.


