I knew from a young age I wanted to pursue a career in finance. I ultimately chose to attend Georgetown because of the elite undergraduate business school. The other reason I chose Georgetown is because of the financial clubs offered to students. The biggest one on campus is the Georgetown University Student Investment Fund, otherwise known as GUSIF. I came into GUSIF knowing next to nothing about finance, how to evaluate companies, and how to invest. Over the past two semesters, I have learned more in this club than I have in any other class. I have learned how to properly value a company, how to create a DCF and Comps analysis, how to use the Bloomberg terminal, how to give presentations, how to work on a team, and how to go about the investment banking recruiting process. On top of all of that I have made some of my best friends throughout the fund. We do weekly team dinners, go out together, and in general have become a family. I appreciate the fact that the older students, the juniors and seniors, have become my mentors and are always willing to help out with anything.
