Jesuit Values 2

What will I remember from Fr. Jerry’s visit. I am going to be honest, much of what Fr. Jerry was speaking about went over my head. I should have written down notes as he was talking. One thing I do remember which I found quite inspiring as a practicing Catholic myself was how he spoke of God’s Plan. Not sure if he heard the new Drake song or what, but he was quite adamant about how God has a course of action for each and every one of us. I was surprised to hear that he joined the Jesuits later in his life, because most the Jesuit priests I know joined the society immediately after either high school or college. Fr. Jerry had an entire life before he decided to enter the priest hood which I found interesting. He joined the Jesuits and never looked back, trusting in God’s Plan for him. It does not seem as though he regrets his decision in the least bit. His talk inspired me because although I am not sure what my plan in life is, I know God has something instore for me, and I trust I will be able to fulfill what is to come.


What I considered to be the most important takeaway from the chapter on humility and friendship is this quote from Martin saying “The friend with whom you have the least in common may be the most helpful for your personal growth.” I find this to be incredible true. My friend Ian and I are completely different people, have had different experiences and are able to grow from each other. When we were younger I was quite shy; Ian was never afraid to voice his opinion. He always encouraged me to speak up and be heard. On the other hand, I was much more adventurous then he. One day I proposed that we travel to Europe together for a month and live with homestay families. At first, he was quite hesitant, but I finally got him to cave in. I believe traveling with Ian around Europe has been one of the most amazing experiences of our lives as we got to experience so many different cultures and traditions. It is definitely important to have people in your life who think differently from you and who are going to challenge you to be a better person
